Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Cisco Aux Line Dialin Config

line aux 0 modem InOut transport input all stopbits 1 speed 57600 flowcontrol hardware I prefer using AAA for authorization instead of line passwords.

Exporting and Importing RRD Files

If you ever need to move binary RRD files between architectures, you need to dump them to XML on the old host and restore them as binary on the new host. The following bash loops do this quickly and simply. Converting binary RRD files to ASCII XML: for x in `ls *.rrd`; do NAME=”$(echo “${x}” […]

TFTP Server for Windows

I needed a TFTP server for Windows that didn’t completely infuriate me, so after many candidates, I settled on SolarWinds TFTP Server. Just sharing.

Update: MacOS X Login with 802.1x

I’ve received a lot of comments on my MacOS X Login with 802.1x post, so it’s time for an update! I have no idea what the real XML structure for loginwindow is. What I have is some trial and error, fragments from searches, and adding the items using ‘defaults write’. Some (most?) of it can […]

Some things never change…

So the other day at $dayjob, the CEO and tech manager at my $oldjob (which $dayjob had been using as an ISP) walked into our building and accused $dayjob of stealing/destroying their equipment because some T1’s went down. The equipment probably hasn’t moved in over 8 years, and it was still in the same damn […]

Poorly performing Sprint Mogul

My $dayjob bought a new Sprint Mogul (also known as the HTC Titan, or PPC-6800) to replace my personal Treo 700wx. The general verdict is that the performance of the device absolutely sucks compared to my Treo. Screen redraws and UI updates are so slow, the device may lock up or misinterpret input. Today, I […]

MacOS X Login with 802.1x

At my $dayjob, I created a fancy unified login system with OpenLDAP and NFS mounts for all the computers. (General details of which I’ll put online when I have some spare time.) So I wanted to add another layer of fun: 802.1X network authentication. In my case, it’s only for wireless (using an HP 420 […]

Debian dovecot-auth case for init script

Debian’s init script for Dovecot doesn’t cover the dovecot-auth only case (i.e. “protocols = none”). I’m starting to use dovecot-auth to handle auth requests from Postfix (it does do better than SASL in for my needs), and since I like keeping things consistent with system startup and shutdown, I changed the init script. Also submitted […]